23 มิ.ย. 59 | พระพุทธศาสนา

ผู้แต่ง :: Assistant Professor Dr. Dipti Mahanta

Assistant Professor Dr. Dipti Mahanta (2553)

        The sermon text can be regarded as a literary text that comprises of such pure literary elements as compositional form, art of using language and content. In this chapter we will analyse the poetic elements in the Isan version of the Mahachat Sermon as used in thet laeh or sung-sermon form. The Isan
        Mahachat Sermon has been composed by many sung-sermon practitioner monks, both in the lyric and prosaic forms. We have used the text “Phimpha Laeh Mahachat 13 Kantha (Isan version)” พิมพา แหล่มหาชาติ ๑๓ กัณฑ์ (สำนวนอีสาน) for analysis. Each line of verse in the Mahachat text composed by the reputed sungsermon practitioner monk, venerable Phrakhru Sutasarapimol (Phramaha Phimpha Dhammadino) contains nine or eleven syllables or words – four, five or six words in the first half-line (hemistich) and five or six words in the second half-line. The half-lines on the page are written with space in between as seen in the following quote – 
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