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MCU Joins the Conference of Climate Changes from Asia-Pacific at UN Office.
07 ก.พ. 61 | ข่าวมหาวิทยาลัย
MCU Joins the Conference of Climate Changes from Asia-Pacific at UN Office.
วันที่ ๐๗/๐๒/๒๐๑๘ เข้าชม : ๑๐๐๒ ครั้ง

On 7 February, 2561/2018, UN OFFICE, BANGKOK: Most Ven. Dr. Phra Brahmapundit, the Rector of MCU; Royal Thai Sangha Council Member; President of ICDV; President of IABU and Abbot of Wat Prayurawoonsavas was invited to deliver opening speech for the conference of the “Inner Dimensions of Climate Change: A Gathering of Young Ecologist from Asia-Pacific”. His speech mentioned some views that concerning the climate change is to aware the changes of the perception, gratitude to the environment which like the statement of the Buddha, he also said that the persons who sit on the tree should not cute the tree or even break the branches which is the concern of moral principle, in the last point which is that we are not living alone so we are living together in this world.

In this occasion, Phra Sophonvachirabhorn, Vice Rector for Foreign Affairs of MCU, Acting Director of Dhammaduta College of MCU is along with staff of MCU to participate the meeting as well at the Conference Room 2, UNESCAP headquarters, Bangkok.


แหล่งข่าว : กองวิเทศสัมพันธ์
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