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Meeting: Common Buddhist Text (CBT)
13 ม.ค. 54 | ข่าวมหาวิทยาลัย
Meeting: Common Buddhist Text (CBT)
วันที่ ๑๓/๐๑/๒๐๑๑ เข้าชม : ๗๖๔๙ ครั้ง


Meeting: Common Buddhist Text (CBT)
Proposed agenda
Wednesday 13. January
1st session 09:00 - 11:30
Moderator: XXX
1.    Welcome from MCU
2.    Presentations of members
3.    Reviewing the agenda of the meeting and assigning posts of moderators for the sessions.
4.    Review of the history and current status of the CBT project based on the minutes and summary of May 2010 workshop (coordinator / CBTCC members)
5.    Looking at the framework of the project in relation to organisation, work process and remuneration / use of funds etc. (CBTCC members)
6.    A review of the “Common Structure” of the CBT and principles of compilation / editorial principles of CBT (Ven. Thich Nhat Tu) with comments by T, M and V members
7.    Following up the completion of the CBT – making the CBT project achieve its purpose 
Each period xx minutes
2nd session 13:00 - 15:00
Moderator: xxx
8.    Presentation of the section:” The Buddha and His Disciples” by Dr. Somaratne with comments by T, M and V members.
9.    Presentation of the T section based on Pali material by Prof. Premasiri’s with comments by T, M and V members.
10. How to involve the T tradition in reviewing the work of the T compilers.
Each period xx minutes
3rd session 15:15 – 18:00
Moderator: xxx
11. Presentation of the M section based on Mahayana sutras a.o. by Ven. Dr. Thich Nhat Tu with comments by T, M and V members
12. How to involve the M tradition in reviewing the work of the M compilers
Each period xx minutes
Thursday 14. January
1st session 08:30 - 11:30
Moderator: XXX
13. Presentation of the V section by Mr Jules Levinson and with comments by T, M and V members
14. How to involve the V tradition in reviewing the work of the V compilers
Each period xx minutes
2nd session 13:00 - 15:00 (ท่านอธิการบดี ท่านพระศรีคัมภีรญาณ เข้าร่วมประชุม)
Moderator: XXX
15. Organising the material within a common thematic structure – how does it work?
16. Principles of compilation – common or different? Size of excerpts, principles of selections, etc.
17. Principles of translation: How to achieve readability and consistency and accuracy. Using existing translations or making new ones?
18. The question of Buddhist terminology. Is it possible to translate common terms by common English equivalents?
19. A common understanding of editorial principles – notes, explanations, introductions, indexes etc.
Each period xx minutes
3rd session 15:15 – 18:00
Moderator: XXX
20. Issues concerning the organising the project: working groups, CBTCC, CBTAB, consulting members, organising committe, secretariat function
21. Plan of progress: achieving a completed CBT according to a realistic plan of progress with deadlines and targets.
22. Concluding remarks by participants
23. Concluding remarks by CBT organising committee and MCU hosts
Each period xx minutes
Oslo 6 January 2011
Egil Lothe
Coordinator CBT organising committee

แหล่งข่าว : ส่วนเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ
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