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Teaching Dhamma in New Lands
01 มิ.ย. 55 | ข่าวมหาวิทยาลัย
Teaching Dhamma in New Lands
วันที่ ๐๑/๐๖/๒๐๑๒ เข้าชม : ๖๕๓๕ ครั้ง

Theater C: Teaching Dhamma in New Lands
This session focus on ways in which the Dhamma is integrating into the societies and cultures of predominantly Christian countries. Also address sociological and cultural issues and not merely ritualistic and practice based aspects of Buddhist traditions. For example, studies pertaining towards: gender, family, ethnic issues and dissemination: intra-Buddhist relations: Buddhism and Secularism; Buddhist relationships with the host-country’s social, political and religious culture: and Buddhism and the media.
The titles are;
- How Muslim Perceives Vihara” A study on Muslim Perception of the Establishment of Vihara A velokiteswara in Pamulang Banten Province, Indonesia by Zaenal Ekoputro.
- Buddhism in Indonesia; The Current Issues of Development Of Buddhism And Modern Muslims by Edi Ramawijaya Putra.
- The social Role of Chanting tradition in Indonesia Buddhist Society by Yulianti.
- Buddhist Women in Indonesia and Polygamy Issue by Kustiani.
- Bhikkhu Asin Jinarakkhita’s Interpreting and TranslatingBuddhism within Indonesian Cultural and Political Contexts by Wilis Rengganiasih Endah Ekowati.
- Trials and Tribulations of Teaching Dhamma in Uganda by Ven. Buddharakkhita.
- Bridging society and Buddhism through a woman’s role of teaching the Dhamma as depicted in selected visual art works from Sri Lanka by Dr. Leena Seneheweera.
- The Beatnik Buddhist: Jack Kerouac and the Development of American Buddhism by Blaze Marpet.
- Teaching Dharma in the United States by Ven. Dr. Chao Chu
- Buddhism in the Land of Grey and Steel by Dr.John M. Scorsine.
- Acting Out: Thai American Buddhists Encounters with White Privilege and White Supremacy by Dr. Jonathan H. X. Lee.
- The most Outstanding Bhikkhuni and First Bhikkhuni’s Institute in Contemporary China by Ven. Rujing Mao.
- Buddhist Tolerance for Peaceful Co-Existence of Asian Nations by Ven. Dr. Somboon Vuddhikaro.
- Towards opening the first Thevarada Centre in Spain by Ricardo Guerrero.
- The Dhamma in Spanish-Speaking Countries by Alina Morales Troncoso.
- Buddhism in new lands by Winston Velazco.
- Social Interest and the Place of Buddhism in France by Réjane Serra.
- Exporting Dhamma to New Lands: Empirical Approaches of Teaching Dhamma in Predominantly Non-Buddhist States by Saw Yee Mon.
- Dhamma in Action: The gift of western female Dharma Teachers by Jennifer Savage.
- Buddhisms in India Today: Problems and Possibilities of a Pluralistic Paradigm by Dr. Maya Joshi.
- Teaching Buddhism by Understanding Phenomena in Nature by Suryo W. Prawiroatmodjo.
- Bridging Science and Spirituality through Buddhist Philosophy of knowledge by Susmita Barua.
- Buddha and the New Atheists: on the art of teaching the Dhamma in the bible belt by Dr. J. Abraham Vélez de Cea.
- Are we teaching the way our youth learn? By Joan Buchanan.
- American Habits and Fresh Baked Bread by Cynthia Drake.
- Being Buddhist in New Lands: Mapping Buddhist Social-Cultural Identities by José A. Rodriguez.
- The Role of Rules in Personal Development and Interpretations of the Vinaya in Western Countries by Dr. Malcolm Voyce.
- Buddhism and “Situationists” on Character and the Virtues by Matthew JA Spencer.
- Clinical Mindfulness: A Successful Cultural Adaptation & A Dhamma Opportunity by Geoffrey Bamford.
- Multiculturalism and Challenges of Religion: The place of Buddhism from a Comparative Perspective by Dr. Yaghoob Foroutan.
- Bringing Meditation to the Community: The Applied Meditation Studies by Dr. Helen J. Rosen.

แหล่งข่าว : ส่วนเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ
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