Welcome Address by Phra Brahmapundit on The Opening Ceremony of Vesak 2018
26 พ.ค. 61 | ข่าวมหาวิทยาลัย
Welcome Address by Phra Brahmapundit on The Opening Ceremony of Vesak 2018
วันที่ ๒๖/๐๕/๒๐๑๘
เข้าชม : ๑๐๘๖ ครั้ง
Welcome Address by The Most Ven. Prof. Dr. Phra Brahmapundit, the Rector of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, President of the International Council for Day of Vesak (ICDV) and the International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU) on The Opening Ceremony of The 15th of United Nations Day of Vesak Celebrations 2018 at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU), Conference Hall, Ayutthaya, Thailand.