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Vice-Rector for Foreign Affairs of MCU Addressing to the WBU Seminar
05 เม.ย. 55 | ข่าวมหาวิทยาลัย
Vice-Rector for Foreign Affairs of MCU Addressing to the WBU Seminar
วันที่ ๐๕/๐๔/๒๐๑๒ เข้าชม : ๓๙๗๔ ครั้ง

                 On 5th April, 2555/2012, Phrakhrupalad Suvathanavachirakhun(Sawai Chotiko), Vice-Rector for Foreign Affairs of MCU gave addressing to the World Buddhist University seminar.

He pointed out to the seminar not only the way of practicing of meditation in Mahayana countries: Japan, Korea, China and Chinese Taipei but also some of Theravada meditation. But two of Buddhist schools are different the way of practicing meditation but it is not different the main of objective of practicing meditation.
 There is only mindfulness meditation or Satipatthana meditation. He also gave conclusion that we have to have right version, suitable place, extending the branches and find the budget to run institute properly.

This seminar was held by the World Buddhist University, which is established in Bangkok for many years ago, at the Viengtai Hotel, Banglampu Bangkok. About fifty Monk and lay scholars were also attending this seminar.


แหล่งข่าว : กองวิเทศสัมพันธ์
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