พระพรหมบัณฑิตกล่าวปาฐกถาพิเศษ เรื่อง ขันติธรรมทางศาสนา
30 ก.ย. 57 | ข่าวมหาวิทยาลัย
พระพรหมบัณฑิตกล่าวปาฐกถาพิเศษ เรื่อง ขันติธรรมทางศาสนา
วันที่ ๓๐/๐๙/๒๐๑๔ เข้าชม : ๔๖๑๓ ครั้ง

26 September 2014: At Mahachulalojgkornrajavidyalaya University, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya, the Most Ven. Prof. Phra Brahmapundit, Ph.D. has said that the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization or UNESCO, in its Declaration of Principles on Tolerance, announced in Paris on November 16th, 1995, has emphasized the importance and value of Tolerance as: “without tolerance there can be no peace, and without peace there can be no development or democracy”.

He added that this is as well and obviously according to what the Buddha had given the importance for, the prominence of Tolerance. Lord Buddha had repeatedly admonished that “Tolerance, which is to restrain, is the best austerity practice”. And because of the teaching, Buddhism has been known as the ‘Religion for Tolerance’ in which the Buddha had often advised that his disciples must not harm and exploit others by any act of body, speech or mind.

"The Buddhism’s significant goal for tolerance is to have human race live peacefully together no matter how different they might possess in faith, cultures, traditions, languages and religions. The Buddha’s wish on this has become the main principle when applied for the live-together peacefully strategy for the ASEAN Economic Community to be united in the year 2015." he affirmed.



แหล่งข่าว : ส่วนเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ
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