ข่าวมหาวิทยาลัย |
1st Orientation Meeting of Foreign Students, MCU. | ||
วันที่ ๑๗/๐๗/๒๐๑๗ | เข้าชม : ๘๗๖ ครั้ง | |
On 17 Jul, 2560/2017 at 09:00:-11:00, MCU: Phra Sophonvachirabhorn (Sawai Chotiko), Vice Rector for Foreign Affairs of MCU, Acting Director of Dhammaduta College of MCU is a chairman of the 1st Orientation Meeting. He delivers a special speech to all MCU foreign students where is held at Classroom Building, Meeting Room, Zone D, MCU, Ayutthaya organized by International Relations Division, MCU. All foreign students who are studying B.A. M.A and Ph.D levels from different countries have to understand the culture, tradition and background of MCU. |
แหล่งข่าว : กองวิเทศสัมพันธ์ | ||