International Council of United Nation Day of Vesak 2009 in Thailand
22 มี.ค. 52 | ข่าวมหาวิทยาลัย
International Council of United Nation Day of Vesak 2009 in Thailand
วันที่ ๒๒/๐๓/๒๐๐๙ เข้าชม : ๘๖๕๔ ครั้ง
           The General Secretary of Supreme Sangha Council proposes that the Most Ven. Dr. Prof. Phra Dhammakosajarn, Rector of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya file letter No. 6110/1241 dated: 4 November 2008, stating that the UNDV organizing committee has reached the consensus stating that Thailand shall be the host country for the United Nation Day of Vesak 2009, allowing the International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU) to be responsible for academic-sessions and agreed in registering the association or International Organizing Committee of United Nation Day of Vesak under the name g International Council of United Nation Day of Vesakh with the 25 members of Executive Council.

     Towards the successful organization of the United Nation Day of Vesak 2009, in Thailand, the Rector of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University appeals to the National Office of Buddhism to propose the following matters to Supreme Sangha Council for approval:

   1.Organizing the United Nation Day of Vesak year 2009

2. Forming of gInternational Council of United Nation Day of Vesakh

   Thus, leaving the agenda for the meeting for consideration.The meeting, upon consideration, approved the request accordingly.

Post by : Public Relation Division


  Web Link : http://www.wbf.net.cn/english/World/9849.htm
แหล่งข่าว : ส่วนเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ
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