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Buddhist Psychotherapy
01 มิ.ย. 55 | ข่าวมหาวิทยาลัย
Buddhist Psychotherapy
วันที่ ๐๑/๐๖/๒๐๑๒ เข้าชม : ๖๒๒๘ ครั้ง

Theatre D: Buddhist Psychotherapy

There are four thematic sections, which are (1) Buddhism & Therapeutic traditions: e.g. Cognitive and Behavior therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Existential therapy, emotion-focused therapy; (2) application of Buddhist therapeutic resources to issues in mental health: e.g. suicide, additions, depression, grief counseling, death & dying traumas and counseling for environmental disasters; (3) application & development of Buddhist positive Psychology for developing positive qualities: e.g. working with families, couple relations, Buddhist social work, emotional intelligence in professions; and (4) Buddhist world view & Philosophy & its implications for therapy; studies collecting resources for issues in counseling.
                The titles are:
-          Counseling and Its Importance: A Buddhist Perspective by Ankaching Marma.
-          Buddhist Pre Marriage Counseling by Dr. Sarath Chandrasekara.
-          Buddhist Social Work : A Case Study Of The Samrong General Hospital by Dr. Petcharat Lovichakorntikul.
-          Role of religion in the rehabilitation of offenders by A.P. Gunathilake
-          An Analytical and Creative Study of the Buddhist Theory and Practice of Psycho-therapy by Dr. Sumanapala Galamangoda.
-          Psychotherapeutic Value of Visuddhimaga for the Enhancement of Modern Psychotherapy (A Theravada based Approach) by Dr. Wasantha Priyadarshana.
-          Cognitive, Behavioral and Psychotherapeutic Aspects as Reflected in Insight Meditation and Methods of Insight by R.M. Rathnasiri.
-          Exploring the utilization of Buddhist practices in counseling for two different groups of service providers (monks and psychologists) by Khann Sareth
-          ‘Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) – Culturally Sensitive Trauma Treatment for Khmer Rouge Survivors’ by Judith Strasser.
-          Buddhist Psychotherapeutic Technique and Its Utility for Liberation by Ven. Kirimetiyawe Dhammasiri.
-          A Psychological Analysis of Physical and Mental Pain in Buddhism by Ashin Sumanacara.
-          “Karuna-Ahimsa-and Relational Aesthetics: The Use of Empathic Art Interventions to Reduce Suffering” by Dr. Michael Franklin.
-          Mental Illness according to Theravada Buddhism: Towards a Theory of Mental Illness Based upon the Buddha’s Teachings by Ven. Nandisena.
-          Cultivating Wisdom And Compassion In Relationships: Implications For Couple Therapy by Heather Marriott.
-          Images of Anger & the Ramifications of Anger Management (with a focus on Domestic Violence) by Dr. Dion Peoples.
-          Buddhist Psychotherapy By Karma Transformation by Dr. Maurits Kwee.
-          The Lost Art of Sadness & the Meaning of Love and Grief by Dr. Padmasiri de Silva.
-          Other-Centered Approaches: Psychotherapy and a Buddhist Paradigm by Caroline Brazier.
-          The Triangulation of Vectors Where “Time Stops”: The Source of All Suffering by Dr. Barbara Wright.

แหล่งข่าว : ส่วนเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ
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